Leather care

The perfect cleaning, care and sealing of natural leather, artificial leather and fabrics. For your interior and your car seats.

Leather care & cleaning for the car with Swissvax

For smooth, open-pored, closed and vegan leather

There are many leather areas and types of leather in your automobile. From smooth, open-pored, vegan leather to Alcantara. High-quality leather seats and high-quality leather interior need good cleaning and care so that you can enjoy them for a long time. Old leather can become brittle and crack. New leather needs sealing and protection.

At Swissvax you will find a wide range of care products for the leather of your vehicle. Cleaning, care and sealing components harmonize in a complete care system for the benefit of the vehicle material.

Below we will provide you with care tips for different types of leather in the automotive sector.

This means that the beauty and function of your leather remain as they should be right from the start - simply perfect with products from SWISSVAX - a brand committed to unconditional quality

Neues Glattleder

Automobilproduzenten und Zulieferer haben es in ihrem Wunsch, das Interieur eines Automobils ästhetisch und langlebig zu gestalten, sehr weit gebracht. Besonders Leder als ein Naturprodukt wurde so bearbeitet, dass der Alterungsprozess mit Farbausbleichung oder mit Materialschrumpfung nahezu inexistent wurde. Neuartige Beschichtungen der Oberfläche wurden unempfindlich gegen Kratzer und Flecken: ein pflegeleichtes Produkt, angepasst an unsere Zeit.

Pflegeleicht bedeutet aber eben nicht pflegefrei!

Verschmutzung findet auch auf modernen Oberflächen statt und hier ist unsere Empfehlung dagegen:

1. Reinigen Sie die Glattlederoberflächen mit dem Lederreiniger Leather Cleaner / Leather Cleaner Forte je nach Verschmutzung und der Leder-Reinigungsbürste. Für perforierte
Oberflächen (wie belüftete Sitze) verwenden Sie den Reinigungsschwamm.

2. Entfernen Sie den entstandenen Schaum und den gelösten Schmutz mit dem weichen Detailtuch oder dem gelben Micro-Wash.

3. Wiederholen Sie den Vorgang solange sich noch Schmutz löst.

4. Arbeiten Sie in kleineren Abschnitten damit die Flüssigkeit nicht eintrocknet. Sie werden erstaunt sein, wieviel Oberflächenschmutz
entfernt wird. Das Leder bekommt sein ursprüngliches, leicht mattes Aussehen zurück.

5. Neuleder-Versiegelung mit Leather Glaze schützt Glattleder vor Jeansabfärbungen und Abrieb. Einfach mit einem feinen
Schwamm in Kreisbewegung von Naht zu Naht auftragen. Die farblose Versiegelung trocknet in wenigen Minuten und glänzt nicht.

Bitte verwenden Sie unsere Produkte nicht auf Büffel- oder Veloursleder (Wildleder).

Anilinleder (offenporiges Leder) bitte nicht mit Leather Cleaner Forte und / oder Bürste behandeln.

Offenporiges oder gedecktes Glattleder?

An verdeckter Stelle einen Tropfen Wasser aufbringen und mit dem Finger leicht verteilen. Zieht das Wasser ein, handelt es sich um offenporiges Leder.

Used smooth leather

Here we present you care tips that primarily apply to covered smooth leather. This is what natural leather interiors in new cars can do
as well as old leather material in young and vintage cars.

1. Depending on how dirty the smooth leather surfaces are, clean them with Leather Cleaner / Leather Cleaner Forte and the leather cleaning brush. For perforated surfaces (perforated leather) use the cleaning sponge.

2. Remove the resulting foam and loosened dirt with the detail cloth or the yellow Micro-Wash .

3. Work in smaller sections so that the liquid does not dry out.

4. After the surface is completely dry, apply Leather Milk using the fabric applicator. Use a small amount of material and let it absorb. If the leather still feels dry, repeat the process.

Please do not use our products on buffalo or suede leather.

Please do not treat aniline leather (open-pored leather) with Leather Cleaner Forte and/or a brush.

Open-pored or covered leather?

Apply a drop of water to a concealed area and spread it lightly with your finger. If the water absorbs, it is open-pored leather.

Special problem solutions

Sealing - Repairing - Suppleness

Leather Glaze leather sealant

New leather does not require leather milk, it is through the
Tanning process still sufficiently protected. However, new leather should be protected from the outset with the Leather Glaze leather sealant against abrasion and color transfer from jeans and other clothing. Leather Glaze is colorless, glossy and can be applied with a fine-pored sponge and in a circular motion from seam to seam.

Leather Healer leather tint

Seat bolsters, steering wheels, gear knobs and armrests made of smooth leather tend to show signs of wear. This is usually harmless wear and tear such as worn paint or scratches. They can be remedied with the right leather tint. The leather tint for smooth leather is applied with a fine sponge and in a circular motion from seam to seam. It dries in a few minutes and does not rub off (no cream).

Leather Gloss Corrector matt or glossy

More heavily used leather surfaces in the interior such as the steering wheel,
Armrests or gear knobs begin to shine over time. Gloss Corrector matt is applied with a fine sponge and in a circular motion from seam to seam and gives a matt appearance. Multiple passes increase the effect.

Young and vintage cars often have a shinier finish
Leather interior. Must e.g. For example, if a piece of leather is to be replaced, the gloss level is often too dull. This difference can also be eliminated with the Gloss Corrector glossy. The way it works is as described above. Here too, several passes increase the effect.

Leather softener

Lack of care and, above all, heat are the main causes of hardened leather. If old leather has already hardened, you can work wonders with our Leather Softener and a little patience. The softener returns oils and minerals to the leather that have been removed through sunlight and air.

Apply the Leather Softener with the sponge applicator and allow the liquid to absorb. In some cases, the treatment has to be repeated several times so that the liquid can gradually penetrate into the lower layers of leather.

Vegan leather

Vegan leather perfectly reflects our zeitgeist and is enjoying increasing popularity. Technical development makes it possible
to create an art material that is in no way inferior to the natural original. The look and feel are perfectly imitated. But also
Art material needs to be cared for so that it retains its original beauty.

Here are our recommendations:

1. Clean with Leather Cleaner / Leather Cleaner Forte and cleaning sponge or brush

2. Surface protection of light vegan leather against discoloration of jeans and other clothing with Leather Glaze leather sealing.


Similar to vegan leather, Alcantara is a synthetic material that imitates suede, but is easy to care for and more durable. Do not use harsh cleaners or brushes for cleaning and never rub.

Alcanta cleaner

Remove loose dirt from Alcantara surfaces with a vacuum cleaner and spray Alcanta Cleaner onto a sponge applicator or directly onto the surface. Clean by dabbing with light pressure. Pat dry with a yellow Micro-Wash microfiber cloth. Never rub! Never clean with heat.

Pilling on Alcantara

The nodules that appear in the wear areas over time are typical of Alcantara and are referred to as “pilling”. As long as the nodules are not too severe, they can be removed with our leather sanding pad.

Lotus Protectant textile sealant

Alcantara can be well protected from new dirt with a textile seal. Clean the surface with Alcanta Cleaner, allow to dry, then seal with Lotos Protectant.